Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chinese Food!

My parents and our family have been committed to one Chinese Restaurant since before I was born. It's delicious, I won't deny it. However, my father gets a little too excited when we go there.

"I'm feeling a bit peckish everyone... Ah, a cornucopia of tastes. I cannot wait!"

Sure Dad... just throw out the word "cornucopia" like it ain't no thang. ?But, this was not the best part of the evening. Inevitably, a post-meal reading of the fortunes came to pass. My gloomy father read aloud "Happiness begins with facing life with a smile and a wink." Obviously, after every negative comment he gave the rest of the evening, my mom and I responded with the gentle reminder of "A smile and a wink..." He was not amused.


  1. What Chinese restaurant do you go to?

  2. Imperial Garden in Thousand Oaks. It's excellent.


    I recommend the Kung Pao Chicken, Crispy Beef, and Shrimp in Lobster Sauce.
